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Courses and coachingResults Based Management

Clear. Practical. Fast.Free online courseResults Based Management

Results Based Management in 1 week

It’s not rocket science!

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What our clients think

Your crash course on Results Based Management is awesome. A great refresher for some, and a great teaching tool for someone who may be unfamiliar. It’s well organised, easy to understand, and I especially appreciate the practice problems and real life examples.

Camille Parara-Rogers

You do an excellent job making complex concepts so simple and easy to understand. Although I have worked in the M&E field for over 5 years now, this course has further deepened my understanding in key concepts of M&E.

Emmanuel Osei-Mensah

Thanks very much for the simplistic yet comprehensive format of the material, and I love the suspense it creates every day making me look forward to the next session. The brief materials are just adequate and easy to remember and relate to.

Paul Chipopa



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About Us Results. Results. Results.

Since 1990

Since 1990, we support professionals to master key concepts in international development. Results Lab offers courses and coaching in Results Based Management, planning, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on results. Over 8.000 women and men have taken our courses so far.
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